The G.C. Broach Company

7667 East 46th Place Tulsa, OK 74145

Phone: 918-664-7420
Sales Inquiry: [email protected]
General: [email protected]


Also known as “Thermal Process Engineering”

The G. C. Broach Company acquired the intellectual assets of TPE in 2013. Thermal Process Engineering Company was a Tulsa Oklahoma based direct fired API heater engineering company that designed approximately 550 refinery heaters and waste heat recovery units. Many TPE heaters were designed to API 560 Fired Heaters for General Refinery Service standards, serving the petroleum, petrochemical, and natural gas industries.

The G. C. Broach Company has heater manuals, job files, and detail drawings for TPE heaters, waste heat recovery units, and HRSG’s.

Click here to learn more about the founder of Radco/TPE

Please email [email protected], or call 918-664-7420 for your TPE Heater requirements.

Have your complete TPE Job Number available when you email or call!

For Sales Inquiries, please email [email protected], or call us at 918-664-7420.

Presently, we estimate that The G. C. Broach Company equipment is producing over 892.8 Billion BTU’s of heat each day.

We are certified under A.S.M.E. Sections I and VIII, The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, and The People's Republic of China, Safety Quality License.